Monday, February 04, 2013

How'm I Doin?

Today was Ed Koch's funeral which was held only a short walk from the bridge that now bears his name.  If you aren't from NY, it suffered a long decline starting in the 1950's, and by the 1970's was literally falling apart, and rampant with crime and corruption.  Ed Koch was elected mayor in 1978 and not unlike Ronald Reagan, convinced NYers to get up off their knees, and fight to make it better.  His amazing charisma and determination made it happen.  Today Rudy Giuliani and Mike Bloomberg are probably better known and more widely credited with the amazing renaissance that the city has experienced, but truth be told, they stood on Ed Koch's shoulders.

Mr. Mayor - you done good.

1 comment:

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Excellent tribute to Ed, and photo to go along with it.