Sunday, July 29, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

End Of An Era

It was bound to happen.  In September 2003 I purchased a Pentax Optio 550.  It was my first digital camera.  Compared to film point and shoot cameras it was tiny - so small that it fit in my pocket.  For the previous almost 9 years it's been with me more often than not.  While most of my photography is done with DSLR 's, this camera was with me many times when the DSLR's were home - and it came through in spades.  It was only 5 megapixels and useless above 200 ISO, but it took great photos as long as you stayed within its limits.  Recently the battery wasn't holding such a great charge and one of the two clips that held the battery/memory card door shut broke off (nevermind the dents in it's metal body that it wore so proudly).  It also wasn't metering right in some modes all the time anymore.

So I woke up one morning to a great deal being offered for 1 day by a major camera retailer on Canon's top of the line pocket camera the S100, and I jumped on it.  Above is it's replacement - the last shot taken by my Pentax.  I don't know exactly how many it's taken - I would guess about 5,000 - a pittance by DSLR standards, but it had quite a journey.  Thank you my trusty friend.

So this is the first picture taken with the new camera - a tribute to it's predecessor.  It has big shoes to fill.

And to anyone who believes that a cellphone takes photos as good as a point and shoot camera just look above.  The top photo was taken by my brand new 8MP Android Cellphone.  Not even close to the image quality of either P&S Camera.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Agent 99

This is a friend's grandmother.  She is 99, which makes her the 2nd oldest person I have ever photographed.