Monday, December 31, 2012

Sneaker Scam

Last year I got back into serious running.  At Christmas I purchased these sneakers for $19.99 at a discount store and threw in a set of Dr Scholl's inserts for an additional $11.  I started using them on January 1st of this year.  If you look up how far you should use a pair of running sneakers the "experts" will say 300-500 miles.  However, the experts are elite runners, sneaker/apparel company reps, and writers for running/fitness magazines.  They all have one thing in common - they make their living either directly or indirectly from sneaker/apparel companies who want all of us to buy shoes as frequently as possible.  This year I ran 1,223 miles in these Avia sneakers - all on pavement.  They are still going strong, are comfortable and I have suffered no foot injuries.  A good reminder not to take recommendations from those with conflicts of interest too seriously.  Oh, I did change the laces a few months back.

1 comment:

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Thanks for the tip!
Looks like you ran through some mud. LOL